
Hammered Copper Flask Freedom

Alcohol flasks are great, but they’re far from the smartest way to sneak booze into controlled places. One functioning metal detector and any hope you have for a party is done. The Freedom Flask, an IV-like beverage container that wears around your groin, should easily make a much better replacement. However, with this smart creation, you will be alright. This hidden container fits it up to 16 oz which is what you want for a good time.

  • This will be the best gift idea for a woman or man.
  • They’ll probably poke their friend and point you out and say, “Hey there’s a smart guy saving some money”.
  • Wash and rinse it out after use and the next time the money you’ll have saved can go towards other tailgating gear.
  • This is like the whole bottle of your favorite alcoholic drink.

This shape and the location of wearing it around your stomach enables easier detection. Since it wears under the pants, you will need to pull your trousers down in order to pour yourself a glass. That means a trip to the can every time you get thirsty, unless you’re fine with stripping down in public. Freedom features a precision machined copper screw top which guarantees a 100% leak-free flask every time you fill it. Gravity directs the liquid into the leak-proof nozzle until the last drop is gone.

The WineRack 200-010

They make more sneaky flasks than any other company. You can also freeze your drink and keep it cool for the whole event you are heading to. The container looks super realistic which will give you a confidence. Smuggle Your Booze with 10 reusable tubes and sleeves and save your money. Take a better look at the book-safe that look just perfect and will never make the guests of your house think that you keep valuables inside. I was sent a free sample of the Freedom Flask to test out for myself.

This super convenient and light Neoprene Carrier holds up to 4 bottles of wine or other drinks that you like. It is very convenient to take a bag when going for a picnic, concerts, festivals, and even sports events. This affordable and flask rest api quite light binocular is actually a hidden container for alcoholic drinks. You can take it for a festival or a sports event that often forbid to bring your own alcoholic drinks and push you to buy theirs which is a way more expensive.


The Booze Belly added the hose extension, but it doesn’t solve the issue of having to lean over to get the last bit out. 1) The rectangular shape and wearing it around your stomach/mid-section area
2) The drain valve is located at the corner of the flask. First on the scene was the Floppy Flask then The Beer Belly and Booze Belly and even the Wine Rack. Other stealth and  concealable drinking devices include Disposable Flask, the The Body Bottle and most recently we reviewed The Bootlegger. So when I was approached by the folks at Freedom Flask to review their product, I was a bit skeptical.

freedom flask video

Would you like to have a phone that pours your favorite drink? Get this smart smartphone hidden container for your favorite alcoholic beverage and enjoy a night out without wasting money on expensive drinks on bars. Choose the best hidden flasks product that suits you by size and capacity and have the fun time out. Smuggle your favorite alcoholic drinks on a cruise, when going to the beach or a sports event.

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